Научные публикации (монографии,учебники и учебно методические пособия) сотрудников кафедры ПМИ за 2021 год

  1. Borubaev A.A. The functor of idempotent probality measures and maps with uniformity properties of uniform spaces \\ Eurasion Mathematical Journal, Vol. 12, No.3, P. 29-41. PDF файл
  2. Borubaev A., Pankov P. Demands on enciphering and Kolmogorov’s distinguishing function // Theses of International Scientific Conference "Problems of Modern Mathematics and its Applications" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician A.A. Borubaev. - Bishkek: Kyrgyz Mathematical Society, 2021. - P. 11.
  3. Kerimbekov A., Ermekbaeva A.T., Seidakmat kyzy E. On the solvability of the tracking problem in the optimization of the thermal process by moving point controls. // Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Mathematics series. 2021, №2 (102). -С. 67-73. /DOI 10.31489/2021М2/67-73. PDF файл 
  4. Kerimbekov A., Abdyldaeva E., Asanova Zh. and Uraliev A. On the Solvability of Nonlinear Integral Equations \\ AIP Conference Proceedings 2325, 020024 (2021).
  5. Kerimbekov A., Doulbekova S. On solvability of the nonlinear optimization problem with the limitations on the control \\ AIP Conference Proceedinds 2325, 020043 (2021)
  6. Kerimbekov A., Baetov A. and Krasnichenko L. On the solvability of a semilinear hyperbolic equation with a parameter \\ Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1847 (2021) 012018 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1847/1/012018.
  7. Керимбеков А. О разрешимости задачи синтеза распределенного и граничного управлений при оптимизации колебательных процессов \\ Труды института математики и механики УрО РАН, 2021. С. 128-140.
  8. Красниченко Л.С., Сейдакмат кызы Э. Теория игр. Математическое введение: учебно-методическое пособие. Бишкек: Изд-во КРСУ, 2021. -96 с. PDF файл
  9. Красниченко Л.С., Сейдакмат кызы Э. Методы оптимальных решений: учебное пособие. Бишкек: Изд-во КРСУ, 2021. -128 с. PDF файл
  10. Pankov P., Tagaeva S. Existence and stabilization of solutions of systems of differential equations with discontinuity // Theses of International Scientific Conference "Problems of Modern Mathematics and its Applications" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician A.A. Borubaev. - Bishkek: Kyrgyz Mathematical Society, 2021. - P.54.
  11. Pankov P., Akerova Zh. Mathematical models of entropy based on physical dimension // Theses of International Scientific Conference "Problems of Modern Mathematics and its Applications" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician A.A. Borubaev. - Bishkek: Kyrgyz Mathematical Society, 2021. - P. 83.   
  12. Pankov P., Kenenbaeva G., Askar kyzy L. Phenomena of equations and computer modeling // Theses of International Scientific Conference "Problems of Modern Mathematics and its Applications" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician A.A. Borubaev. - Bishkek: Kyrgyz Mathematical Society, 2021. - P. 90.  
  13. Pankov P.S., Imanaliev T.M., Kenzhaliev A.A. Automatic Makers as a Source for Olympiad Tasks // Olympiads in Informatics, 2021, Vol. 15. C.75–82.
  14. Панков П.С., Баячорова Б.Ж. Компьютеризация как специфическая форма движения материи // Вестник КРСУ. 2021. Т. 21. № 6. С. 87-92.
  15. Pankov P.S., Bayachorova B.J., Karabaeva S.Zh. Mathematical models of relations in independent computer presentation of natural languages // Herald of Institute of Mathematics of NAS of KR, 2021, No. 1. -pp. 5-10.
  16. Pankov P.S., Zheentaeva Zh.K., Shirinov T. Asymptotic reduction of solution space dimension for dynamical systems // TWMS Journal of Pure and Appl. Math., V.12, N.2, 2021, pp. 243-253.